Hope's Big SleepOut 2024

Angie Lenton

Northampton College

Team captain: Angie Lenton


Thank you for visiting my Big SleepOut page. Hope's Big SleepOut gives participants the chance to experience a night of homelessness in a safe and secure environment. I'm taking part in the SleepOut to raise funds for Hope's in its 50th anniversary year to help those who are homeless, hungry or living in hardship in our community.


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors


Thank you for visiting my Big SleepOut page. Hope's Big SleepOut gives participants the chance to experience a night of homelessness in a safe and secure environment. I'm taking part in the SleepOut to raise funds for Hope's in its 50th anniversary year to help those who are homeless, hungry or living in hardship in our community.

Angie Lenton is fundraising towards